PVM – Portable Video Microscope
for VSC® Range
This compact 3x optical zoom video microscope with integrated LED illumination, provides a premium, portable solution to the examination of taggants.
Including stand-alone software, the PVM’s clear base allows easy positioning on documents and for the use of VSC oblique lighting.
Supplied with: 5MP High Resolution Video Camera
This 5MP GigE Vision camera can be mounted onto any suitable microscope to provide a secondary video input to the VSC. The camera connects directly to the VSC PC via a high speed GigE PCI-E interface card (supplied) capable of transmitting double the volume of image data than USB2.0 or FireWire interfaces
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Since the introduction of the ESDA in 1978, foster+freeman have been recognized as world leaders in the field of questioned document examination, with foster+freeman systems found at airports, border crossings, banks and laboratories worldwide.