Webinar – Española: Análisis forense de detección de cabello y fibras

Los cabellos sueltos y los pequeños fragmentos de fibras rotas pueden proporcionar a los investigadores forenses pistas vitales durante una investigación criminal, conectando potencialmente a un sospechoso o víctima con la escena del crimen. En este seminario web, echamos un vistazo a las últimas tecnologías para detectar y luego analizar estos importantes elementos.

Webinar – Detection and Analysis of Drugs of Abuse – From Crime Scene to Laboratory  

It is well-known within forensics that there is a close relationship between drug abuse and crime. When analysing drugs of abuse within a criminal case, forensic examiners must ensure they are using the correct solution to identify, analyse and interpret the correct drug used at the time of the crime. In this week’s webinar, we take a look into the workflow of searching for drugs from the use of forensic light sources, through to analytical tools for the interrogation and identification of substances.

Webinar – Detect More Evidence: Top Tips to get the most out of your forensic light source

Crime-lites and other forensic light source are the go-to tools for crime scene and forensic examiners seeking to reveal evidence that would otherwise remain invisible to the naked eye. But, there’s a lot more to using a Crime-lite than just pointing it in the right direction (although that does help!).

In this webinar, our team will discuss the best tips and techniques that will enable you to get the most out of your forensic light source and potentially detecting more evidence at the crime scene. Through a mix of live demonstrations and presentations, we’ll be demonstrating which wavelengths are best suited to various evidence types as well as walking you through the latest features that have been added to the Crime-lite range.

Webinar – Learn from the the Experts: Esther Neate, Digital Fingermark Imaging Pioneer

Join this webinar for an exclusive interview with an internationally-renowned expert in forensic digital photography, Esther Neate. Specifically, we will be focusing on our own comprehensive imaging system for the detection, capture and enhancement of fingerprints, the DCS 5. Within forensics, there are continuously new techniques being developed, to which forensic photographers' experiment with, to achieve the best fingermarks possible.

Webinar – Española: Análisis forense de casos Congelados: Uso de tecnología forense moderna para resolver casos de décadas de antigüedad

¿Se pueden utilizar los avances recientes en tecnología forense para resolver casos sin resolver décadas después del evento? En este seminario web, echamos un vistazo a cómo se utilizan los equipos forenses modernos para detectar y examinar rastros de pruebas cruciales y permitir a los investigadores cerrar casos sin resolver y hacer justicia mucho después de que se cometió un delito. Además de demostraciones en vivo, este seminario web incluirá entrevistas de examinadores forenses y expertos de la industria que explicarán cómo los avances en tecnología han cambiado el examen de la evidencia.

Webinar – New Product Launch – DISCOVER

CSI and Forensic Professionals are invited to attend the launch of DISCOVER, a uniquely versatile solution to the search, detection, and imaging of evidence at the crime scene and in the laboratory.

Webinar – New Product Launch – MVC FFLEX M

For more than 35-years, MVC® fuming cabinets have set the benchmark for performance and reliability as the dependable workhorses of forensic laboratories worldwide.

Updated with a radical new design, the MVC® FFLEX M builds on that tried and trusted technology offering innovative new user-focused features to optimise results, increase laboratory efficiency, and provide complete end-to-end control of the fingermark development process.

Webinar – Solution Focussed Forensics

In this webinar we will explore how the latest generation of forensic science instruments is improving the way we search for, detect and examine evidence.

Webinar – New Frontiers in Document Examination

In this webinar we will be exploring the latest techniques and technology used by immigration staff and questioned document examiners for the forensic analysis of travel and identity documents.